Thursday, September 8, 2011

Stopping in..

Unfortunately there isn't a baking post this week; A lot has been happening this past week for me.  I moved a week ago into my first apartment with my boyfriend (I know, exciting!!)  &We're slowly getting situated to a content point.  Today we finally got cable and internet, so I was basically tuned out of the world for this past week with no internet. =]  I have a nephew on the way, so we've been waiting around IMpatiently waiting for a call from my sister at any moment.  Her due date was Tuesday the 30th, so she's way ready to pop!  Tomorrow morning she will be getting induced &that little guy will be in our arms before we know it.  &Of course, there's always work.  Please be patient with me, there's tons of stuff I've been itching to make &I hope to get right on it as soon as possible..

Stay tuned!...

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